Medical Clinic

Implement a system to manage patients of a medical clinic. The classes are hosted in package clinic.

The system must meet the following requirements.

R1: Patients

The main class of the program is class Clinic.

Patients are characterized by the first name, the last name, and the unique social security number (SSN). New patients can be added to the system by means of method addPatient().

The information about a patient can be retrieved by means of method getPatient() that given an SSN returns a string with the format "<Last> <First> (<SSN>)". If the patient does not exist, exception NoSuchPatient is thrown.

R2: Doctors

Doctors are characterized by the first name, last name, SSN, unique badge ID, and the specialization (e.g. "cardiologist", "dentist", etc.). New doctors can be added to the system by means of method addDoctor().

Method getDoctor(), given a badge ID, returns a string with the following format: "<Last> <First> (<SSN>) [<ID>]: <Specialization>".

If the doctor does not exist, exception NoSuchDoctor is thrown.

Keep in mind that doctors can be patients of the same clinic they work in.

R3: Patient registration

When accepted, a patient is assigned to one of the clinic doctors. To this aim, method assignPatientToDoctor() is provided. Patient is identified by means of her SSN, and doctor is identified by means of her badge ID. If the doctor does not exist, exception NoSuchDoctor is thrown. Further, if the patient does not exist, exception NoSuchPatient is thrown.

By means of method getAssignedDoctor() that accepts a patient SSN, it is possible to obtain the ID of the Doctor assigned to that person. If the patient does not exist a NoSuchPatient exception is thrown. If there is no doctor assigned to the patient a NoSuchDoctor is thrown.

The method getAssignedPatients() accepts a doctor ID and returns the list of all patients SSN of that doctor. If there is no doctor with the given ID a NoSuchDoctor exception is thrown.

R4: Loading

The method loadData() of class Clinic accepts a Reader parameter and loads from it the information about patients and doctors.
The text file is organized by rows; each row contains info about either a patient or a doctor.

Rows containing a person's info begin with letter "P" followed by first name, last name, and SSN. Rows containing doctor's info start with letter "M", followed by badge ID, first name, last name, SSN, and specialization.
The elements on a line are separated by the ";" character, possibly surrounded by spaces that should be ignored.

In case of error in the data present on a given row, the method should be able to ignore the row and skip to the next one.
In case of IO errors the method propagates an IOException to the caller.

The method returns the number of correctly processed lines

An additional version of the method loadData() accepts a second argument of type ErrorListener. Such interface defines the methods offendingLine() that accepts a String argument. During the processing of a file, every time a wrong line is encountered -- which should be discarded -- the method loadData() must invoke offendingLine() on the listener passing the line.

R5: Statistics

The method idleDoctors() returns the collection of doctors that have no patient at all, sorted in alphabetic order (last name and then first name).

The method busyDoctors() returns the collection of doctors that are assigned a number of patients larger than the average.

The method doctorsByNumPatients() returns a list of strings containing the name of the doctor and the relative number of patients, sorted by decreasing number.
The string must be formatted as "### : ID SURNAME NAME" where ### represent the number of patients (printed on three characters).

The method countPatientsPerSpecialization() computes the number of patients per (their doctor's) specialization. The elements are sorted first by decreasing count and then by alphabetic specialization.
The strings are structured as "### - SPECIALITY" where ### represent the number of patients (printed on three characters).
