1. When a method is declared 'static'.. [ ] A1.1 - it can access any attribute in the class [ ] A1.2 - it can access only static attributes [ ] A1.3 - it must be called using a reference [ ] A1.4 - it does not require a reference to be called [ ] A1.5 - it is visible only int the package 2. What is the purpose of the operator `<>`? [ ] A2.1 - make a comparison between references [ ] A2.2 - exchange values between two variables [ ] A2.3 - define generic parameters using type inference [ ] A2.4 - define *method reference* [ ] A2.5 - define an abstract class 3. An error (as opposed to a failure) in a test JUnit: [ ] A3.1 - corresponds to a false assertion [ ] A3.2 - corresponds to an exception thrown by the tested program [ ] A3.3 - cannot correspond to a line with an assert [ ] A3.4 - corresponds to throw in the tested program [ ] A3.5 - corresponds to method fail() 4. Inheritance between two classes allows [ ] A4.1 - removing attributes [ ] A4.2 - adding attributes [ ] A4.3 - removing methods [ ] A4.4 - redefining methods [ ] A4.5 - adding methods To select an answer place a "X" in the "[ ]" --> "[X]"