Job Offers

The program simulates the management of job vacancies by a company. All classes are found in the jobOffers package. The main class is JobOffers. The TestApp class in the example package contains examples and presents the main test cases but not all. Exceptions are thrown using the JOException class; only the specified checks must be carried out and not all possible ones. If a method throws an exception there is no change in the data present in the main class. Suggestion: every time you have implemented a method, run TestApp to check the result.

The JDK documentation is accessible at URL

R1: Skills, positions

Method int addSkills (String ... skills) inserts a number of skills, such as java, python, etc. Duplicate skills are ignored. The result of the method is the number of skills entered so far.

Method int addPosition (String role, String ... skillLevels) inserts a position, such as juniorProgrammer, with the required skills along with the desired levels of knowledge (look at the examples in TestApp). A skill is followed by ":" and the level of knowledge between 4 and 8 inclusive. The method throws an exception if: the position has already been entered, one or more skills have not been entered or a level is not between 4 and 8. The result of the method is the average of the levels.

R2: Candidates, applications

Method int addCandidate (String name, String ... skills) inserts the name of a candidate with the list of his/her skills. The method throws an exception if the candidate has already been entered or a skill has not been entered. The result is the number of skills.

Method addApplications (String name, String ... positions) allows a candidate to apply for one or more positions. The method throws an exception if: the candidate has not been entered, not all the positions have been entered, the candidate does not have all the skills required by the positions. The method gives the list of applications; an application is a string consisting of the name of the candidate followed by ":" and the name of the position. Strings are sorted by candidates and by positions.

Method getCandidatesForPositions() gives a map whose keys are the names of the positions in alphabetical order; the values are the ordered lists of the candidates that applied to each position. Positions without candidates are ignored.

R3: Consultants, ratings

Method int addConsultant (String name, String ... skills) inserts the name of a consultant with the list of his/her skills. The method throws an exception if the consultant has already been entered or a skill has not been entered. The result is the number of skills.

Method Integer addRatings (String consultant, String candidate, String... skillRatings) allows a consultant to assign a rating to each of the skills indicated by the candidate. An example of skillRating is as follows:["java:8", "databases:6"]. Each string is made up of the skill followed by a colon and the rating. The rating is between 4 and 10 inclusive. The method throws an exception if the consultant or the candidate has not been entered, the consultant's skills do not include all those declared by the candidate, there are skills with out-of-range ratings (e.g. java:11). The result of the method is the average rating.

R4: Discarding applications, establishing eligible

Method discardApplications() discards the applications of ineligible candidates. A candidate is ineligible for a position if one or more of his/her skills have ratings below the levels required by the position. The skill ratings are those added through method addRatings(). The method gives the list of discarded applications; an application is indicated by the name of the candidate followed by ":" and the name of the position. The list is sorted alphabetically by candidates and by positions. The list can be empty.

Method getEligibleCandidates(String position) defines the eligible candidates for a given position. The candidates must have applied for the indicated position, their skills must include those related to the position; furthermore the ratings of the skills (provided by consultants) must be no lower than the levels defined with method addPosition(). The result is a list of eligible candidates in alphabetical order; the list may be empty.