1. Which among the following statements are valid for the `static` modifier? [ ] A1.1 - For a method it means that it cannot access any attribute [ ] A1.2 - For a method it means that it can only access static atttributes [ ] A1.3 - For a class it means that it can access the container class attributes [ ] A1.4 - For a class it means that it cannot access the container class attributes [ ] A1.5 - For a field it means that every object has its own copy 2. What is required to get the natural ordering of the objects of a classe? [ ] A1.1 - implement interface Comparable [ ] A1.2 - implement method compare [ ] A1.3 - implement method compareTo [ ] A1.4 - redefine method equals [ ] A1.5 - redefine method hashCode 3. How can a method throwing an exception be tested? [ ] A3.1 - Just checking the return value [ ] A3.2 - Just checking the method throws an exception [ ] A3.3 - This kind of method cannot be tested [ ] A3.4 - Two cases must be checked: with and without exception [ ] A3.5 - It is possible to use the test parameter 'expected' to signal a possible exception 4. In the UML association Person --(owns>-- Car, knowing that a person can own no car but also can own many cars, what multiplicity should be written close to Car? [ ] A4.1 - 0,1 [ ] A4.2 - 0,* [ ] A4.3 - 1,1 [ ] A4.4 - 1,* [ ] A4.5 - *,* To select an answer place a "X" in the "[ ]" --> "[X]"