Working with Projects from a SVN repository in Eclipse

The operation you ought to perform for the course are:

Plugin installation

To perform the task shown here you need to have the Subversive SVN Team Provider plugin.

This operation has to be performed only once on the computer the first time SVN is used. It has already been performed in the LAIB PCs.

You can follow the instructions for the SVN plugin.

Check out a project

Commit Your Work

To commit your work to the repository (i.e. save a copy of the current status of your project):

The window reports the resources (files) that changed w.r.t. the reversion you checked out from the repository. They could have been: modified, added, or removed.

Update your project

If the project has been changed by someone else (e.g. the project with the lectures’ examples had been changed by the professor), it is required to update your local copy to the latest version present on the repository (HEAD).

To execute the update of your local copy:

Be careful that if you made some changed to the files w.r.t. the version that you previously got from the repo, some conflicts might be found. Handling conflicts is beyond the scope of this document, please refer to the lecture on Configuration Management.

  1. The received email is similar to the following one:

  2. You can select a specific version or date

  3. If you wish you can change the name of the project that will be used